Quick Little Bird

I decided to move away from the fruit and I’m glad I did as I’m very happy with the way this little bird turned out. Just a simple back stitch for the body, wing and beak, with a French knot for the eye. I love the colour of the thread.

I want to use the same simple style of bird for a larger piece, but creating larger pieces means relying on my drawing skills which are pretty much non existent. I like to sketch out my patterns in pencil first, which is fine when it’s a small object like a piece of fruit or a simple bird, but anything much larger might cause me a problem. I may be reasonably good with a needle but I’m not so good with a pencil. Anyway, I’ll see how I get on.

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Through my hair and down my back

The raindrops ran and left a track,

On my dress and in my mind

The tracks were left to help me find,

My way though the forest and through the woods

Among the trees and the flowers I stood,

Singing with the first daylight hour

The birds swoop down through the raindrop shower.
